Do I need a liquor license if I only sell liquor online and do not handle the liquor myself?
In terms of the law a license is required to sell liquor. If liquor is sold, irrespective of whether it is in fact handled by the seller, a license is required.
I have a winery and also want to brew and sell craft beer. Do I need another/new liquor licence?
Although each province has its own liquor act, a winery usually has a micro-manufacturer’s licence. The licence issued to a winery usually only permits the manufacture of wine. You would have to apply to change the licence conditions in order to also manufacture and sell other liquor.
When does a distributor of liquor require a liquor license?
If the distributor acts as an agent for the company selling the liquor and only receives a commission for doing so, it does not require a licence. If however, the producer sells the liquor to the distributor and the distributor then sells to a third party, the distributor requires an appropriate licence.
May the holder of an off-consumption license, such as a liquor store or wine shop, also sell liquor to license holders such as restaurants?
If it only has an off-consumption licence – no. The business needs a registration as a distributor to sell to holders of liquor licences.
If I do not have a liquor license, may I use somebody else’s license to sell liquor or sell liquor under another license holder’s license?
No, you may not. In fact, to do so is an offence in terms of some provinces’ liquor acts.
My winery has a license with an approval to offer wine for tasting. Am I allowed to sell wine by the glass or bottle to visitors to enjoy e.g. with a cheese platter or picnic lunch?
The approval for tasting only permits you to offer a small quantity of wine so that the visitor can decide whether to purchase your wine. If wine is sold by the glass or bottle to drink on the premises an appropriate on-consumption licence is required.
What if the location of the licenced premises has changed - does this have an effect on my liquor license?
If the location of the licenced premises changes, an application for the removal/relocation of the licence must be submitted to the Liquor Authority or National Liquor Authority.